Early Birthday Present

Yesterday I received a surprise package from Bahanur (Eskisehir). She knows that 27th is my birthday and I’m collecting postcards and that’s why she sent me a postcard book that includes 20 illustrated postcards which is SO amazing. I couldn’t stop smiling for an hour. That’s really great knowing that you have a new thoughtful friend in your life. Thank you so much for this awesome gift Bahanur.

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

Other things I received yesterday are these gorgeous postcards coming from Japan and Germany. First one is from Rika who lives in Saitama/Japan I really like this card thank you Rika! And the other one is from Goksu who is living in Munich/Germany. She and her boyfriend made this postcard for me, thank you so much that’s really special!

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset Processed with VSCOcam with j2 preset